General Terms and Conditions of Use

Your use of (publication, visit, registration) at (« the site ») and all of its parts are subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Use (GTCU) :


- The site is provided by « AMOROSART SARL » and is directed to registered members as well as visitors.

- Any person, company or other legal entity using the site explicitely accepts to be legally bound by the GTCU. In the GTCU “you” refers to visitors as well as members who have completed the registration process.

- Each time you access the site or its administration panel, you declare accepting the GTCU.

- If you register on the site as a member or register for artist updates you accept :

a. To provide your personal information during the registration process, in a precise, complete and truthful form;

b. To update your personal information in order to keep it up to date, accurate and complete at all times;

c. If the personal information that you provide proves to be incorrect, the site reserves the right to delete, to refuse access to the site or to prohibit its use to you immediately.

d. That you are entirely responsible for the proper use of your account / login, either by you or by a third person.

- The e-mail adress chosen at the time of your registration is the same as your username, this identification can be changed and all notifications from the site will be sent to you by means of this e-mail. No usernames or any other information that are considered vulgar or in breach with the GTCU are permitted.

- The GTCU concern and direct all activity on the site, if you disagree with these we kindly ask you to leave


a. You agree only to use one account on Amorosart for yourself or your organisation.

b. You agree not to provide false or incorrect personal information, to commit identity fraud or impersonate another person or entity.

c. You agree not to harass, insult or disturb other members or visitors of the site.

d. You agree not to collect or keep the personal information of other users on the site.

e. You agree not to publish or advertise any content on the site that is, or can be considered :

i. Violent, sadistic, unlawful, harmful, indecent, intimidating, abusive, vulgar, promoting hatred and/or violence, racist or ethnically discriminating.

ii. Stolen or which is related to acts of fraud, money laundering, terrorism.

iii. Pornographic or pedophile.

iv. A risk for the safety or intergrity of other persons.

v. Infringing consumer protection laws or that can be considered unwanted advertising, spam, unwanted e-mail, appurtenant to pyramidal systems or any other form of prospecting.

vi. Discriminating, particularly as regards gender, ethnic, religious, age or sexual discrimination.

vii. Confidential and that you do not have the permission to publish.

viii. The intellectual property of another person, company or entity. You may not publish any content on the site that infringes author’s rights. It is strictly prohibited to distribute, copy or reproduce music, software, artworks or any other object or work that is protected by copyright without the authorisation of its rightful proprietor.

ix. Harmful for the reputation or image of Amorosart.

x. Containing computer virus, malware or any other type of software or code destined to interfere with the proper functioning of the site in any way.

f. You agree not to interrupt or bypass the site’s security measures.

- You accept that you are entirely and solely responsible for any content that you publish, share, provide or sell through the site. Amorosart does not verify the content and cannot be held responsible for the quality, correctness or integrity of the content or translations provided. Amorosart does not accept any responsibility for the authenticity or quality of the artworks advertised on the site.

- You accept that your behaviour on the site must at all times be in accordance with the GTCU.

- You accept not to provide or sell any content that infringes on intellectual property laws.

- Amorosart reserves the right to remove, refuse or modify any content at will if this does not respect the GTCU.

- You understand and accept that you use the site at your own risk and that you are responsible for all consequences related to the use of the site. Amorosart is under no circumstances responsible for the content and artworks advertised on the site and you agree to renounce to make any claims for refunds or compensation from Amorosart.

- Amorosart provides the site “as is” and with the best intentions. It does give any guarantees regarding the services, content, performance or operation of the site.


- All members decide themselves whether they wish to advertise the prices of the artworks on offer. Amorosart is not responsible for any prices that are above the current market level nor for any errors in the advertised prices.


- The site does not interfere with any transactions between visitors and members and does not collect any commission on sales completed through or thanks to the site. Amorosart is not responsible for any problems or issues that arise during the transaction between a member and a visitor on the site.


- AMOROSART SARL reserves the right to publish advertisement campaigns on the site in the form of banners on behalf of advertisers.

- Amorosart publishes advertisement campaigns with the best intentions but does not guarantee the result of these operations.


- You accept that Amorosart is not responsible for the deletion of content or any storage errors that regard content uploaded or published by you on the site.


- All software used on the site and in connection with the services and all of its contents (including but not limited to its texts, graphic elements, photos, software, scripts, videos, music, sounds, information and applications) which is not content published by members, is the intellectual property of Amorosart or Amorosart licensees, and is protected by intellectual property laws, as well as brands and intellectual copyright laws.

- When uploading or publishing content on the site you grant Amorosart a global non-exclusive licence that allows for the advertisment and publishing of this content on the site.


- Amorosart is not responsible for practices or content of third party sites whose links appear on the site.


- Amorosart does not intervene in disputes between its members or between members and visitors but reserves the right to do so at will.


Amorosart reserves the right to take all measures in order to avoid infringements of the GTCU. These may include, but are not limited to :

- a warning or demand to correct published information.

- the cancellation of the member account at any moment without prior notice.

Amorosart may at any time modify or remove all contents or take other juridical measures following observed or suspected offenses or violations of laws or rules that apply in this field or when the rights of Amorosart or third parties are threatened or breached.


The payment for the membership is effectuated online, via a payment platform accepting credit card payments secured by Paybox. The payment is then automatically drawn at the same date each month, corresponding to the first date of payment. In the case of a payment failure due to the expiry, theft, loss or blocking of the payment, the concerned account will be suspended until the payment has been restored. During this period, the member information will continue to be advertised on the site and the messages received by a member will continue to be stored on the member’s account. Until the payment has been restored, the member will not however be able to consult its messages or account.


The price for a membership on Amorosart is 39,00€ excluding taxes per month. This single, flat price covers the totality of services proposed on the site, excluding advertisement campaigns.


The cost of a banner published on Amorosart is determined following the CPC (Cost-per-click), The price of one click on the banner is 0,50€ / click. The payment is done a posteriori each month or every two months. Amorosart also proposes banner design services with the following rates :

Static banner : 80€

Animated GIF banner : 120€

Animated Flash banner : 220€


- Members of Amorosart can suspend or restore their membership at any time by a simple written request, to be sent by e-mail to

- Amorosart reserves the right to modify, temporarily suspend or indefinitely terminate the site or one of the services provided on the site without prior notice and You accept that Amorosart is not accountable towards You or a third party for any such action.

- Your membership can be cancelled or terminated at any time by providing a written request to indicating that You wish to terminate your membership as well as the date on which You wish it to take effect.


- The information gathered on the site is subject to computer handling in our customer / prospection database. Amorosart sales department is the sole user of this information. The site has declared its information handling to the CNIL, no: 1301442.

According to the French law « informatique et libertés » from January 6, 1978 mod. 2004, You have the right to access and rectify any information that concern you. To exercise this right, send a message to


- Amorosart does not guarantee that :

a. The site or one of its services will always be operating;

b. The site or the services are secure, without any errors, or that the site will be shielded from viruses or other harmful or destructive software or other;

c. The software, content or material on the site or part of the services will be correct, complete, reliable and up to date without any error;

d. All defects, visible or not, will be corrected.

- You accept that Amorosart is not responsible for any direct, indirect or consecutive harm, including but not limited to loss of profit, clients, information or other loss of intangible assets, resulting from or relating to, your use of the site or one of the services provided in relation to the site.

- You accept that Amorosart is not responsible for any loss or harm occured following the loss of material or content uploaded, advertised or sent by e-mail using the site or its services;

- Every user is personally responsible for the content published on the site. You accept that Amorosart is not responsible for the quality of the published content, its truthfullness of the information nor for the direct or indirect harm following the use of the site.

- You accept that Amorosart is not responsible for losses and/or harm caused on the site by any lack in your capacity to ensure the security of your login information (for example not taking reasonable precaution to avoid third party use of your account).


- These conditions and rules represent an agreement between you and the company Amorosart.

- Amorosart reserves the right to change, alter and modify the GTCU. Any modifications will be published on the site, and it is your responsibility to ensure that you know, understand and accept the current version of the GTCU on the site. Changes will come into effect 24 hours after being published on the site. The current conditions and your relation with Amorosart is directed by the law and the courts in the country of residence of Amorosart SARL.


- Web host :

OVH 140 Quai du Sartel 59100 Roubaix France

SAS au capital de 500 000 €

Immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Roubaix – Tourcoing

Siret 424 761 419 00011 Code APE 721Z N° TVA : FR 22-424-761-419-0001

- Publisher :

Amorosart SARL

Au capital de 1500€

11 chemin des lits Militaires



SIRET 50465831100015

RCS Antibes B 504 658 311

- Languages on the site :

Français, Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol, Italien, Japonais, Russe

Copyright Amorosart 2008 - 2025 - CNIL n° : 1301442 - Glosario - Preg. Frec.