Francis Bacon / Tryptych 1987 Presentado por Fairhead Fine Art Ltd

Francis BACON - Tryptych 1987

Presentado por Fairhead Fine Art Ltd

  • Año
  • Técnica
  • Dimensión de la imagen
    68,5 x 55,5 cm / 27.0 x 21.9 in
  • Dimensión del papel
    94,5 x 68,0 cm / 37.2 x 26.8 in
  • Tirada
    80 There were also some HC & EA copies made
  • Precio
    Precio reservado
  • Referencia
    Literature: Francis Bacon: Estampes - collection Alexandre Tacou Number 27 Bruno Sabatier, Francis Bacon: The Graphic Work, no. 25
  • Visita(s)
  • Estado
Francis BACON - Tryptych 1987

Francis Bacon (1909 - 1992)

Title: Tryptych 1987
D’apres Study for a bullfight (central panel)
Medium: Original Lithograph in colours,1989, on Arches paper, with full margins, signed by the artist in pencil
Edition: 36/180 There were also some HC & EA copies made
Francis Bacon: Estampes - collection Alexandre Tacou Number 27
Bruno Sabatier, Francis Bacon: The Graphic Work, no. 25
Size: Image: 68.5 x 55.5 mm; Paper: 94.5 x 68 mm.
Published by: Galerie Lelong, Paris
Note: This was made after the Central Panel of the painting “Typtych 1987”. This was a large work from the Estate of the artist each panel measuring 198 x 147.5 cms. Our work was made as a stand alone piece without accompanying other panels.
Provenance: Spanish Art Dealer of repute

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