Jeff Koons / Jeff Koons Presentado por Hiva Oa Art Gallery

Jeff KOONS - Jeff Koons

Presentado por Hiva Oa Art Gallery

  • Año
  • Técnica
    Libro Ilustrado
  • Dimensión de la imagen
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Dimensión del papel
    49,0 x 37,5 cm / 19.3 x 14.8 in
  • Tirada
  • Precio
    1 750 euros (€)
  • Referencia
    Sin referencia
  • Visita(s)
  • Estado
Jeff KOONS - Jeff Koons

Jeff Koons (1955)

Taschen Limited Collector's Edition: hardcover book with 606 pages, the justification page signed in black pen by the artist and numbered 1349, with silkscreened linen portfolio case, overall 49x37,5 x8,5 cm.

Published in 2007 by Taschen in a limited edition of 1500 copies.

Excellent condition (as new).

Selling price Taschen: $ 4.500,- (totally sold out).

Hiva Oa Art Gallery
Lelybaan 52

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