Andre Masson / L'amour monstre (The monstrous love) Presentado por Galerie Hochdruck

Andre MASSON - L'amour monstre (The monstrous love)

Presentado por Galerie Hochdruck

  • Año
  • Técnica
    Aguafuerte y aguatinta
  • Dimensión de la imagen
    26,9 x 20,9 cm / 10.6 x 8.2 in
  • Dimensión del papel
    38,0 x 28,5 cm / 15.0 x 11.2 in
  • Tirada
  • Precio
    650 euros (€)
  • Referencia
    Will-Levaillant 1972, no. 81; Passeron 1973, p. 177
  • Visita(s)
  • Estado
Andre MASSON - L'amour monstre (The monstrous love)

Etching and aquatint on wove paper, 26.9 x 20.9 cm (plate), 38 x 28.5 cm (paper). 1962. Artist's proof before the portfolio edition of 110 copies. Signed and inscribed E.A. in pencil. Impression apart from the edition (as sheet no. VIII) of the portfolio "Trophées érotiques", published by Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris 1962. The portfolio contained 8 etchings, each accompanied by a stanza of a poem by André Masson, whereby the stanza headings also represent the titles of the images. Reference: Will-Levaillant 1972, no. 81; Passeron 1973, p. 177 Provenance: Ex collection Roger Passeron

VIII L'amour monstre

La noire animalité surgit du fond de l'être
Sa victoire abolit la conscience claire
Elle plafonne à l'infini l'océan charnel

(André Masson: Écrits, p. 234)

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