Ellen Priest / Dolphin Dance 05 Presentado por Ideelart

Ellen PRIEST - Dolphin Dance 05

Presentado por Ideelart

  • Año
  • Técnica
    Sin técnico
  • Dimensión de la imagen
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Dimensión del papel
    53,3 x 53,3 cm / 21.0 x 21.0 in
  • Tirada
  • Precio
    Precio reservado
  • Referencia
    Sin referencia
  • Visita(s)
  • Estado
Ellen PRIEST - Dolphin Dance 05

Gouache on rag tracing vellum.

This work on paper is part of a series of collaged paintings titled “Jazz: Herbieʼs ʻDolphin Danceʼ #1-22”.

Those brush paintings are Priest's first ʻvisualʼ encounter with a jazz composition. The images she develops there are redrawn and combined for the finished collages. Based on jazz pianist Herbie Hancockʼs classic composition “Dolphin Dance”, she tried to use these drawings and the resulting collages to capture the light and movement typical of the beach where she spends much time in the summer.

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