Rafael Alberti / Bestiario Presentado por Artsobrepaper

Rafael ALBERTI - Bestiario

Presentado por Artsobrepaper

  • Año
  • Técnica
    Libro Ilustrado
  • Dimensión de la imagen
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Dimensión del papel
    57,0 x 44,0 cm / 22.4 x 17.3 in
  • Tirada
    86 copies + 8 pa + 6 hc
  • Precio
    Precio reservado
  • Referencia
    Sin referencia
  • Visita(s)
  • Estado
Rafael ALBERTI - Bestiario

This book contains thirteen intaglio prints and a poem hand written and printed in embossing; six poems and six feet of page with allegorical names. The works are printed on handmade paper of 250 gsm/m2 watermark with the author's signature. The box container is made of wood with serigraphy; designed by Jordi Rosés. The texts were printed on handmade paper with inlays of marine algae and tracing paper.

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