László Moholy-Nagy / I10 International Revue Presentado por Galerie Hochdruck

László MOHOLY-NAGY - I10 International Revue

Presentado por Galerie Hochdruck

  • Año
  • Técnica
    Libro Ilustrado
  • Dimensión de la imagen
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Dimensión del papel
    29,8 x 21,0 cm / 11.7 x 8.3 in
  • Tirada
    not stated
  • Precio
    Precio reservado
  • Referencia
    Lang Konstruktivismus, p. 40 f.; Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek , 1977, Vol. 28, pp. 1-54; Purvis/de Jong 2019, p. 206 (with illus.)
  • Visita(s)
  • Estado
László MOHOLY-NAGY - I10 International Revue

i10 International Revue. Volume 1, No 3, Amsterdam 1927, edited by Arthur Müller Lehning, J.J.P. Oud (architecture), Willem Pijper (music) and László Moholy-Nagy (film and photography). Graphic design, layout and typography by Moholy-Nagy. 29,8 x 21 cm. Issue 3 of the 1st volume (of 3) with continuous pagination, pp. 81-120. Original blue-violet cover after designs by László Moholy-Nagy and César Domela. Texts in Dutch, French and German. Contains the following contributions: Cornelis van Eesteren: Over het Rokin-vraagstuk / Mart Stam: Rokin en Dam / Gerrit Rietveld: Nut, constructie: (schoonheid: kunst) / El. Lissitzky: Proun / George Vantongerloo: Principe d'unité / Bart de Ligt: Nieuwe wegen in de wijsbegeerte / Lod. van Mierop: Van misdadiger tot zielszieke / Jan Romein: De buitenlandsche politiek van Mussolini (Slot) / László Moholy-Nagy: Die beispiellose Fotografie / Menno ter Braak: Russische filmcultuur.
With illustrations of architectural designs by Cornelis van Eesteren, Mart Stam, Gerrit Rietveld, architectural models by George Vantongerloo, a full-page illustration of a variant of Proun 6 by El Lissitzky, a drawing by Paul Meller and four photographs ("Mechanical Fantasies") by Láslo Moholy-Nagy. Reference: Lang Konstruktivismus, p. 40 f.; Kees van Wijk: Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek , 1977, Vol. 28, pp. 1-54; Purvis/de Jong 2019, p. 206 (with illus.)

"The "internationale Revue" under the title "i10", published in 22 issues between 1927 and 1929 in Amsterdam, saw itself as an "organ of all expressions of the modern spirit, of the new currents in art, science, philosophy and sociology"(Issue I,1). [...] Among its contributors were Arp, Baumeister, Adolf Behne, Ernst Bloch, Burchartz, Ehrenburg, Gorki, Will Grohmann, Kállai, Kandinsky, Kassák, Ernst Křenek, Moholy-Nagy, Mondrian, Muche, Oud, Schwitters, Arthur Segal, Mart Stam, Vantongerloo and others. The carefully designed magazine already summarises the results of constructivism. Its typography is already "purified constructivism" in Tschichold's sense. (Lothar Lang: Konstruktivismus und Buchkunst, Leipzig 1990)

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